The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the University of Law and the Hanoi Bar Association
Cập nhật lúc 11:00, 12/03/2024 (GMT+7)

On March 11, 2024, the VNU University of Law organized the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between the University and the Hanoi Bar Association.


Attending and witnessing the signing ceremony, representing the Hanoi Bar Association were Lawyer Dao Ngoc Chuyen – Chairman, Vice Chairmen and other members of Hanoi Bar Association. On the side of VNU-UL, representatives included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Que Anh (Rector), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Diep (Chairman of the University Council), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trinh Tien Viet (Vice Rector), and leaders of departments.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Que Anh delivers a speech at the ceremony



Lawyer Dao Ngoc Chuyen delivers a speech at the ceremony 

At the signing ceremony, the two parties exchanged and agreed to cooperate on the following contents:

Cooperation in career orientation and practical activities: Introduce and create conditions for officials from both sides to participate in teaching and professional orientation sessions for students. The Hanoi Bar Association admits students from the University to carry out internship activities according to the training programs of the VNU-UL. Both sides cooperate in developing programs, compiling teaching materials, coordinating and implementing extracurricular programs, propagating legal education, and providing legal assistance in localities as competent authorities request.

Cooperation in scientific research activities: Both sides coordinate to organize scientific seminars related to training and professional orientation. Both sides introduce and create conditions for officials to participate in scientific projects, write papers for seminars, write articles for scientific journals, and perform scientific tasks.

Cooperation in international cooperation activities: Both parties introduce and send their experts, lecturers, and lawyers to participate in workshops and training courses under each party's international cooperation program.


In addition, both parties also focus on introducing and promoting each other's images and brands, participating in each other's events or jointly organizing events related to lawyer training, regularly exchanging and consulting each other on theoretical and practical issues regarding policies and laws, etc.


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